Attention! This service is a preorder and will be executed after the addition of the Battle for Azeroth![:]
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Honor Level
When ordering the Honor Level boost service, you will receive not only achievements and corresponding awards, but also honor points. You can also get some Mark of Honor to buy transmogs.
Legion Demon Hunter 98-110
This product is unavailable, please use WoW Leveling product. By ordering this service you will get your Demon Hunter leveled to 110 and be ready to conquer and explore new world in which exciting adventures and new dungeons await along with many more other activities.
Honorable Kills
Your character will receive Honor kills enough to get achievements and titles such as “Son of Alliance/Horde” and “The Bloodthirsty”. You can order any amount of Honor kills you need.
Smoldering Egg of Millagazor
Using our service, you will receive a Smoldering Egg of Millagazor mount from the Firelands. We will go through the raid dungeon with all the available characters in your account.