Dota2 New Ranked

Ranked Seasons in Dota 2

In 7.07 update, Dota 2 developers completely change the rating system for both ranked and non-ranked games. Now we are expecting six-month long ranked seasons. This means that the ratings will be most accurate and fresh for all players, which means that the games will be of better quality for everyone!   After the change,
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WoW Patch 7.3 Argus – mini Guide

Argus is a new location, introduced in Patch 7.3. Prophet Velen’s draenei have constructed a vessel, named the Vindicaar, to return into draenei homeworld, and you will accompany them! Argus is the original homeworld of the eredar. it is once an utopian world whose inhabitants were both vastly intelligent and highly gifted in magic. Thousands
Tomb of Sargeras Sale

Tomb of Sargeras Sale!

You have always wanted to get better equipment for your characters, but it was always too expensive? Or maybe you are a successful raider as well, but you lack time to gear your alts and wait for Heroic boosts to become cheap? Well, you are lucky now! Best guilds of the world have finally ended