Change of WoW Shadowlands release date

Change of Shadowlands release date

As it became known yesterday, Blizzard has delayed release of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion. New release date is yet unknown but we know for sure it will be released before the end of 2020. According to Blizzard, most of the content is ready, but there are still flaws in the balance and some core

Castle Nathria in Shadowlands

Castle Nathria is the first raid dungeon in Shadowlands WoW expansion. A huge Gothic castle on the main tower of which there is a sculpture of a large gargoyle rises above the city in the heart of the location of Revendreth. In fact, the location of Revendreth itself is the city. The castle is covered
WoW Shadowlands Release Date

Shadowlands Release Date

We hasten to inform you of good news, which most players have been looking forward to for more than six months. The release date of the eighth expansion to the game World of Warcraft: Shadowlands has become known. The launch on all regions is scheduled at the same time, which means that all players in