
Buy BFA Heroic Dungeons Full Gear

In a new expansion to World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth we will again be facing new dungeons for 5 players. There are 10 dungeons in total, five for each faction. Alliance dungeons in BFA is located on Kul Tiras: Freehold, Shrine of the Storm, Waycrest Manor, Tol Dagor; and Horde dungeons in Battle for Azeroth are in Zandalar: Atal’Dazar, Underrot, The Temple of Sethraliss, The Motherlode. But only 8 of them are available in heroic mode and without additional requirements. Two more will be available in Mythic mode and after finishing War Campaign. From the bosses Heroic dungeons in BFA you can loot 325+ilvl items with the chance to become warforged and improved to 390+ ilvl.

The full heroic gear service from the heroic dungeons of BFA is a great start for your character. We will provide you with a full set of equipment for your class and specialization you choose, and also we guarantee that you will receive two of the three Azerite objects (head, shoulders, body) without which a comfortable experience in the new addition is not possible. For understanding the importance of Azerite armor, it can be compared with the Legendary items in the last expansion.

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Perhaps you do not want to give your account to us, but you want to personally take part in the completion of Battle for Azeroth Heroic dungeons, then simply select “Selfplay” and our boosters will gladly guide you through the new dungeons.

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