
Zereth Overseer Mount boost from Jailer Mythic

Enigmatic and aloof, this construct of the First Ones flies on a graceful stream of perfect geometric understanding.


In the new Shadowlands raid – Sepulcher of the First Ones, you can byt Zereth Overseer mount boost, a golden flying mount that spawns from the Jailer on heroic difficulty. This golden Progenitor Bot contraption was left by the founders to protect Zereth Mortis. Become the proud owner of this vehicle and summon the Fractal Cypher of the Zereth Overseer, which stands out among the crowd. There is a 100% probability of getting The Jailer mount. It will be boostable until the end of the Shadowlands expansion!

Buying Fractal Cypher mount boost in our shop you will get:

Features :

  • Time of completion is 1 day.
  • Attention! This service requires character transfer to our team realm. Cross-server will be opened later in the patch.
  • Achievement of a feat of strength Cutting Edge: The Jailer will be available until the Shadowlands expansion is completed.
  • You can order other Shadowlands mount in corresponding section and Shadowlans services here.


  • 60 level.
  • Fresh cooldown for Sepulcher Mythic raid.

Fractal Cypher mount


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