Vengeance Dragonhawk – WoW Sylvanas mount in SoD
Sylvanas lost a part of herself, the day Arthas took her life, and the darkness within her grew to fill the void.
The Vengeance Dragonhawk is an epic flying mount that can be obtained as a reward for defeating Sylvanas Windrunner in the Mythic difficulty of the new Shadowlands raid – Sanctum of Domination. This personal death-themed dragonhawk of Banshee Queen could be seen in many cutscenes and in the lore, and many players hoped for its appearance as a mount.
By purchasing the Vengeance Dragonhawk boost service, you will become the proud owner of this unique flying mount, available only in the World of Warcraft Patch 9.1 update. If you want to take part in obtaining the Vengeance Dragonhawk WoW mount and watch the defeat of Sylvanas in mythic mode, you can additionally use the “Selfplay” option, which is absolutely free for you!
Buying Vengeance Dragonhawk mount boost in our shop you will get:
- Vengeance Dragonhawk mount.
- Ahead you of the Curve: Sylvanas Windrunner (AotC).
- Cutting Edge: Sylvanas Windrunner.
- Elite PvE title in mythic difficulty.
- Chance on getting the 259 mythic ilvl gear.
- Chance to get a legendary bow Rae’shalare, Death’s Whisper (for Hunters only).
Features :
- Time of completion is 1-2 hours, you can ask our manager for raid schedule.
- Vengeance Dragonhawk mount is available with a 100% drop chance till the end of Shadowlands.
- Important! Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge can only be obtained from the second raid tier of Shadowlands.
- Important! To complete Vengeance carry in Mythic difficulty, you may need a transfer to another server (this is due to the high difficulty of the kill).
- You can order other Shadowlands services in corresponding section.
- Level 60 character.
- Clean cooldown of the last SoD boss (for getting loot).
- There may be additional requirements for Vengeance Dragonhawk boost, we will inform you in advance.
Buying the Vengeance Dragonhawk mount from Sylvanas Mythic
The first raid mount in WoW Shadowlads has finally been added to the game. Vengeance Dragonhawk can be obtained from the last boss of the Sanctum of Domination raid. This is a great dragonhawk of death with a unique new model and insanely interesting lore. Sylvanas Windrunner in Mythic mode is extremely difficult to defeat, especially if you are not a regular WoW player and do not participate in raids with experienced PvE guilds.
And this is not the only thing that can prevent you from getting this mount, every member of the raid wants to have it. Therefore, in guilds there are queues lined up for it, and for one lockout of the raid, only 2 mounts will drop for all participants. Plus, in order to attack Sylvanas, you need to clear out the previous nine bosses in mythic mode, which is also extremely difficult and time-consuming.
But has a great offer for you. By purchasing the Vengeance Dragonhawk carry, you are guaranteed to receive this mount in your collection. In addition to the mount, you will receive a rare PvE achievement, awesome top tier Mythic gear, and possibly a legendary Hunter bow.
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