WoW TBC Reputations boost – The Burning Crusade Classic
In The Burning Crusade, reputation plays a huge role in the game and it will have to be grinded by all players, regardless of their interests and activities in the game. Firstly, for the reputation with some factions, it will be possible to buy some pre-raid gear. Secondly, you can purchase important recipes for crafting professions and earn gold from them. Thirdly, you can get consumables to improve equipment, for example, only from the Aldors and Scryers you can buy shoulder enchants (there is no analogue for them anywhere else in the game). Fourth, flights were added to the game (the ability to move through the air on players’ mounts), and accordingly, various mounts can be bought from some factions by leveling reputation with them.
In most cases, farming WoW TBC Reputations comes down to a long, tedious grind of monsters or clearing different zones, which also gets boring pretty quickly. We provide you with the TBC Reputations boost service, by purchasing which you will receive your chosen reputation at the Exalted level. You can choose the stage at which your desired reputation is now, thereby reducing the cost of The Burning Crusade Classic Reputations boost service, if you have it leveled to a certain stage already.
You can see all the rewards you’re interested in: Thrallmar, Cenarion Expedition, Lower City, The Sha’tar, The Aldor, The Scryers, Keepers of Time, Ashtongue Deathsworn, Shattered Sun Offensive, The Scale of the Sands, The Violet Eye, Kurenai, The Mag’har, Netherwing, Ogri’la, Sha’tari Skyguard, Sporeggar, The Consortium, Tranquillien.
Buying TBC Reputations from our shop you will get:
- You will receive the ordered reputation.
- You will receive gold, equipment and other items that dropped for you during leveling.
- Time to complete 1 day – 4 weeks.
- Warning! Some reputations aren’t available in the game just yet, but you can preorder them and we will start leveling them as soon as they are available in game.
- We always try to use VPN of your country to ensure maximum safety for your account.
- You can order other TBC services in corresponding section.
- Level 70 Character.
- Account Sharing.
Why is there no exact time for leveling WoW TBC reputation?
The time for leveling a reputation is calculated individually and depends on several factors: what kind of reputation you ordered and on what stage of it you are at the time of purchasing the service. To find out the exact time of boosting your reputation, contact our manager.
Where can I see my reputation?
You can see the levels of your reputation leveling in a special window that opens by default with U key. Or open this menu in a bookmark in the menu of your character (the key for calling up the character window by default is C).
Can I choose the time of reputation boost in WoW TBC?
Of course, you can tell our manager the desired period of time in which our booster will perform the service you ordered.
Select Product Options:
- 0 $
- 0 $
- 0 $
- 0 $
- 16 $
- 22 $
- 33 $
- 72 $
- 22 $
- 35 $
- 45 $
- 82 $
- 24 $
- 35 $
- 44 $
- 83 $
- 35 $
- 42 $
- 57 $
- 105 $
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