
Order Dota 2 Coaching from

Recently Dota 2 is gaining popularity among the players around the world. Experienced players and multi-gamers quickly learn the game, adapting and playing in the Ranked matches. But what if you’re just starting to play and you have little experience? After all, most beginners cannot adequately analyze their game and not everyone has someone who can give the constructive criticism and teach the basics.

Dota 2 is very versatile and unlike other games of the MOBA genre has a huge number of subtle tricks. In this game there are five roles, more than a hundred heroes and a large number of items. It’s not as easy as it seems to understand all that. Even after playing more than a thousand games you might not learn absolutely all tricks of this game, because something you did not expect or did not know can happen at any moment. Our experts, which are high level players will help determine your level of play and the way it can quickly rise through Dota 2 coaching. They will share their experience and teach you how to avoid mistakes in your future games.

In Dota 2 there are no heroes bound to a particular lane. This makes it possible to play almost any available hero at any role. Though it’s better to choose one role for learning, there are only five: Offlane, Mid, Carry, Jungler & Support. Each of the roles is unique and interesting, each lane has its own advantage and disadvantage, because of that it is necessary to focus on different things. But what to learn exactly? Our experts that have a lot of experience in Dota 2 will help you with that. Coaching in Dota 2 can be performed in a vast variety of formats: for example, we can watch your stream and analyze your mistakes, advise the best ways to correct them, what you should avoid doing, and what, on the contrary, it is necessary to emphasize on. Our coaches can play duo with you, teaching you on Skype, play 5v5 team game with you and your friends (playing the role of the coach-captain), and may be conventional mentor who can ask absolutely any questions.

What is required of a player when buying Dota 2 Coaching?

When buying Dota 2 Coaching, all you need is a stable internet connection and voice communication program of your choice (it can be Skype, Discord, TeamSpeak or another program).

In the steam chat we are offline while we play, so no one can see that we are actually playing or that we are online. If you want that we go online for any reason tell us please over email or livechat.
It’s best not to play other games, but you can do it if you want.
You can’t play Dota, but other games should be fine.
All our boosters have high MMR and are professional Dota 2 players. They know all the subtleties and tricks of fast and high-quality Dota 2 boosting.
You can note the desired heroes before starting the order and our performers will play them if possible. You must understand that the choice of a hero depends not only on the booster himself, but also on the team composition.
Absolutely. We do not use prohibited programs when performing services and take all measures for the security of your account.
After you complete a purchase of a service, an invoice confirming the purchase will be emailed to the address you left in the order. After that, our managers will shortly contact you to learn at what time the order should be executed.
Yes. You can note a convenient time in Order Notes when making the purchase Dota 2 coaching service or by contacting our operators via Skype, Email or Live Chat.
Please don’t hesitate and contact us via Live Chat, Skype or E-mail. We will be happy to answer any of your questions about Dota 2 game =)
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3 reviews for Coaching – Dota 2

  1. Learned a lot during the coaching! Recommend.


  2. Thanks for help! Coaching is just very good! I recommend this service.


  3. Now I know more! Thanks for the help in the game.


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