Hearthstone Battlegrounds MMR Boost
Hearthstone Battlegrounds is a ranked battle mode, where eight players face off in 1v1 rounds to be the last survivor. Each round in the Battlegrounds has two phases.
The first phase is recruitment, in which players can buy and sell minions, change the order of their attacks, improve the tavern and use the hero’s skills. The second phase is a battle, in which minions automatically attack opponents until one player (or both) have minions left, after which the winner attacks the loser directly.
The Hearthstone Battlegrounds rankings show the overall success of your account. MMR is complex and consists of characteristics such as your and your opponent’s ratings, where you finish, predicted odds, and more. You need to get a decent number of wins and finish in at least 4th place in order to increase your rating. Our boosters will take your Hearthstone Battlegrounds MMR to the level you want.
Features when buying Hearthstone Battlegrounds boost:
- Buying Hearthstone Battlegrounds Boost in our shop you will get desired rating.
- Terms of completion are individual and depend on the rating you ordered.
- All our boosters are internally tested and go through a trial period and as a result we select only the most reliable and proven boosters.
- Our boosters do not use any software or bots for speeding up your order completion.
- We always try to use VPN of your country to ensure maximum safety for your account.
- When doing Hearthstone Battlegrounds boost we can stream or do screenshots on different stages of the boost, if you request it.
- Hearthstone Battlegrounds is available for following regions – Europe, America, Korea, Taiwan, China, Southeast Asia.
- You can order other Hearstone services in corresponding section.
- Hearthstone account.
Select Product Options:
- 0 $
- 68 $
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