Buy placement games LoL
When your summoner account in League of Legends (LoL) reaches level 30, you will be able to participate in ranked games, but to get placed in particular division and league to play ranked games, you will have to first play 10 placement games. These 10 placement games must also be played in the start of every new LoL season, because ratings of all players are reset.
Thanks to the new matchmaking system introduced in 2014, most players are not afraid of placement games anymore since they won’t get the lowest division anyways. But why would you lose few divisions because of losing 10 placement matches? Getting higher might turn out much harder. Our professionals from highest leagues will help you win 10 placement games so you are in the highest division possible. Their experience and knowledge of the game gives them huge advantage before all other players, which greatly increases their chances for victory and will bring you those so much desired 10 wins in placement matches.
We also give guarantee of winning 7 placement games out of 10 if you have at least two full tier 3 rune pages for AD carry and AP carry, aswell as enough champions of your choice. Many people ask why we can’t guarantee winning all 10 games. You should understand, that each game in LoL is very unpredictable, and even the best players are not protected from disconnects and trolls in their team. If by any reason our booster didn’t manage to do 7 wins out of 10 in ranked placement games – we will gift you one division leveling for free!
We’ll remind you the details of Ranked Season 2018:
- Only owners of Summoner Level 30 accounts can participate in ranked;
- To participate in Ranked you need to play 10 Placement Games beforehand;
- Two maps are available for Ranked gameplay: Summoner’s Rift (5v5) and Twisted Treeline (3v3);
- You can play Ranked in two modes – solo/duo (alone or with a friend) or Team (team of 5 or team of 3, depending on the map);
- Outcomes of Normal Games don’t influence Ranked;
- To balance out teams’ chances, players with low rating cannot be matched with players with high rating.
Picking system:
Before this season, Matchmaking just gathered a team judging only by players’ rating, that could lead to conflicts over a certain position. This was reworked in preseason, and now, when starting a search for a ranked game, every player can pick two positions that suit him best, or accept position offered by matchmaking (most needed at the given moment). Also solo/party queue was reworked as a dynamic queue, you can play with any amount of friends, although the rating of all your friends should be similar. This system is designed for everyone to play using balanced ratings.
Help with Promotion Series:
If you are below Gold 1 and fail the Promotion series, you’ll start next series with 1-0 score already. Also, for high-rated players, matchmaking was optimized for the system to easier find partners of the same level, expanding MMR range of values if needed. Boosting.Pro team wishes you fun games and high ratings in the upcoming season! And please remember – we’re always happy to help you and your friends advance in the ladder!
- Account sharing is required.
- We do not ask for access to your email – we only need login and password to access your account.
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Placement Matches
We will help you complete 10 placement games and get highest possible rank for it. If you have a new account, then having ordered from us this service you with guarantee receive one of these ranks depending on luck and circumstances): Legendary Eagle Master/Legendary Eagle/Distinguished Master Guardian/Master Guardian Elite.
669 $50 $Rated 5.00 out of 5

Anaroh –
9/10! Thanks!
Carlos –
All perfect. Recommend this service!
Commendat –
Nice job , very fast!
Ruklan –
Best service!
Viktor Di –
Nice service. Recommend.
Karamojong –
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Tinf –
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Jest –
Very fast boost! 9/10 wins!
Vugnus –
Excellent! 10/10 wins!
Hisidan –
Thanks for fast boost!
Klonata –
thank you for good job guys
Lefls –
Very nice boost! 9/10 wins
SelFly –
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Roshi –
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James –
Excellent service. And I Had a question before placing the order, bro in chat answered very quickly.
Frank –
Got my 9/10 wins last night. And now I’m in plat 4, its more then I expected – good purchase for me 🙂
Andreas –