
Arena 3vs3 in WoW – its most well balanced PvP bracket and excellent choice for test your PvP skills and spend time with pleasure.

Don’t have time on every week teammates searching in LFG for Arena 3v3 wins? Use our service Arena wins in 3v3 bracket and receive large Amount of Artefact Power and Honor in short period of time. And you will not lose your current Arena rating or even get it higher.

Arena wins 3v3 it is very good choice for farm few things at same time – you will receive some PvP achievements progress, Artifact Power, Honor, Order Hall resources, random gear items and other useful items. Also you can use this service for weekly chest reward farm without harm to your rating.

Service duration: nearly 30-50 wins per day. If you need this service at specific time or for weekly chests rewards, then discuss it with our managers.

What will i receive ordering Arena wins in 3v3 bracket?

  • some progress on PvP achievements (Brutally Dedicated, Fearless Combatant)
  • large amount of Artifact Power and Honor
  • some rating up
  • some gear items with random ilvl and Legendary item chance drop too


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  • Select Product Options:

    • 61 руб.
    • 50 руб.
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