
Kil’jaeden, the Deceiver, named so for his ability to manipulate other creatures and play two-faced games is Sargeras’ lieutenant. Sargeras is a genius leader of the Burning Legion, he’s one of the most powerful Eredar. He will be your ultimate foe in Tomb of Sargeras! Slaying Kil’jaeden will bring you great rewards and will allow making a big step into the world without Legion’s fel corruption.

As always, you can entrust our raiders to do the raid for you (piloted) or take part in the raid yourself for an extra fee (selfplay). Please consider the fact that your item level for Piloted service has to be 915 or above. If you don’t have 915+ item level, you have to select an option “I don’t have 915+ ilvl”, as it will make the raid significantly harder. This option will be needed for first two weeks after the patch.

What will I get for ordering Tomb of Sargeras – Heroic Full Gear?

  • You will receive achievement for kills of kil’jaeden of Tomb of Sargeras in Mythic: Mythic: Kil’jaeden;
  • Feats of Strength: Cutting Edge: Kil’jaeden;
  • You will receive full set of item level 915 – 925 > 930 – 940 gear for your specialization;
  • In case “Add 4 Tier Parts” option you will get 4 random tier parts in different spots from Tomb of Sargeras;
  • In case “BIS List” option you will get BIS List gear you choose from Tomb of Sargeras;
  • A chance to receive a Legendary.


Useful information about Tomb of Sargeras.

Tomb of Sargeras consists of three wings, where nine bosses await you — Harjatan, Mistress Sassz’ine, Goroth, Demonic Inquisition, Fallen Avatar, The Desolate Host, Maiden of Vigilance, Sisters of the Moon and Kil’jaeden. For completion of this raid in piloted mode, it’s advised to have item level 900+. Raid is available in a few formats:

  • Normal (10-30 people, using Flex system), drops of item level 885+
  • Heroic (10-30 people, using Flex system), drops of item level 900+
  • Mythic (20 people, hardest mode of the raid), drops of item level 915+


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1 review for KilJaeden Kill

  1. Super great support! And quick responses whit the information i wanted. And looking forward towards the kill tonight! Thx Andrew!

    Daniel Sjöberg

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