BFA Raid – Uldir

The first raid dungeon in Battle of Azeroth is Uldir, which is located in the heart of Nazmir. This abandoned laboratory of the Titans, in which destructive experiments on the Ancient gods had been conducted for the long time, was sealed. But something has again awakened in the depths of Uldir and the seals, which
Gearing Up in BfA
As you most likely know already, we’re 3 weeks away from World of Warcraft’s 7th expansion – Battle for Azeroth, which is scheduled to be launched on August 14. Having that said, we’ve decided to put together a bunch of what we deem to be the best BfA tips and tricks we could find or

Battle for Azeroth mini Guide

We have prepared a mini guide for you on a new expansion to World of Warcraft – Battle for Azeroth (BfA). The release date of the expansion is set for August 14, 2018. But already in a short time (in a few weeks) there will be 8.0 prepatch ,in which global changes will begin. The
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