Dota 2 Ranking System Update

Dota 2 Ranking System Update

On March 3, 2020, a new update was added to Dota 2, in which the Core and Support MMR were again combined and matchmaking system in ranked games was changed. In their blog, the developers described in detail what was changed: The division of the rating on Core and Support was canceled. Now the system
shadowlands poweleveling

Shadowlands Power Leveling Guide

Enough time has passed since Blizzcon 2019 and we were able to collect basic information on power leveling in the new expansion in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. In the Shadowlands expansion leveling and character development will undergo several major changes. We found that with the release of Shadowlands, powerleveling a WoW character from the first
WoW Patch 8.3 boost services - Visions of N’zoth
So the long-awaited patch 8.3 of BFA expansion in World of Warcraft came out. New PvP content, rating updates, new awards are waiting for you in this patch. But the focus of patch 8.3 is on the new threat to Azeroth in the form of the ancient god N’Zoth with his many millions of minions,