Wonderful news for lovers of the old raid content, especially of The Burning Crusade! You can dive in the atmosphere of iconic Karazhan dungeon. This dungeon is available only on Mythic difficulty and is tuned for 5 people, which means you will not have to spend hours to find a proper group. You can also invite your friends and try to clear it yourself. Why “try”? Because this dungeon is intended as a higher difficulty dungeon compared to old ones. In addition to that each boss has a new and unique abilities which will not be figured out right away, as its not that simple.
Karazhan dungeon, Mythic difficulty – you will face 8 bosses. Developers have decided to bring back one of the most fun encounters – Opera, which is more like a scenario which will be rotating each week. By killing first 4 bosses you will receive items of 850+ item level, while the rest of the bosses will drop items of 860+ item level. But remember, each item has a chance to be warforged or even titanforged!
How to enter Karazhan?
Now, lets remember The Burning Crusade. To enter updated dungeon you will have to do attunement quests as in the old expansion. You will need to compete a series of quests in several Mythic dungeons. We’ve added completion of these quests as an option to this service. We have added this as an additional option to this order. If you don’t want to spend your time completing attunement quests for Karazhan, we can do this for you and this dungeon will be unlocked within 26 hours.
What exactly will i get by ordering Karazhan completion on Mythic difficulty?
- 850+ item level equipment.
- As in other dungeons, you will have a chance to get a Legendary!
- Achievements for killing bosses in Karazhan.
- Some amount of Artifact Power.
- If you choose “More loot” option, we will take 1 more player of your armor class (cloth/leather/mail/cloth) and he will trade you all loot he gets.
- If you choose “VIP Loot Run” option, we will take 2 more players of your armor class (cloth/leather/mail/cloth) and they will trade you all loot they get. This will allow you to receive three times more loot than usual.
Time for completion:
- To complete Karazhan dungeon on Mythic difficulty we will need up to 3-5 hours.
- To complete the attunement quests to unlock access to Karazhan we will need up yo 26 hours.
- Warning! To fulfill this service we will need the access to Karazhan unlocked on your account. If you did not complete attunement quests you need to order its completion as an additional options, otherwise this service will not be possible.
- Level 110 character.
- Minimum item level of 810+.
- We only ask for login and password. We will never ask for secret answer or access to your email.
- For this service we will ask you to disable authenticator or configure it so it doesn’t ask for code on each login.
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