
In Legion there is six new factions with own history part and own rewards. By completing main quests chains you will get Friendly/Honored level of reputation with each of them. You need to hit all 6 Friendly reputations to complete quest quest start Uniting the Isles , which unlock world quests on Broken Isles. Revered with all 6 of them needed for achievements zone brokenshore Broken Isles Diplomat achievement, which is a part of Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part One (Reward: Increased Mount Speed in Broken Isles). And of course, each faction have very good and useful rewards on Exalted level of reputations. Our boosters can help you with farm Exalted reputation with any faction.

Here is a list of all Legion addon reputations and some rewards:

Highmountain Tribe – taurens tribes in Highmountains gathering their forces against new foes.
Some of Highmountain Tribe rewards:

Dreamweavers – druids of Val’sharah defending Emerald Dream from Xavius and his minions.
Some of Dreamweavers rewards:

Court of Farondis – elves ghosts fighting against Legion invaders in Aszuna.
Some of Court of Farondis rewards:

Valarjar – chosen warriors of Odyn fighting against Helya minions in Stormheim.
Some of Valarjar’s rewards:

The Wardens – remain wardens hunting for dangerous beasts, which escaped Vault of Wardens, when Legion come on Broken Isles.
Some of The Wardens rewards:

The Nightfallen – exiled Nightborne elves fighting with Legion to get their home (Suramar) back and free their people. This faction becomes available when you reach level 110. Many quest chains with huge Artifact Power rewards leading you to final task in Nighthold raid dungeon, then you will get nice fly mount inv suramarmount Arcanist’s Manasaber .
Also, this faction reputation (8/12k Honored) needed to unlock two additonal mythic dungeons – The Arcway and Court of Stars
Some of The Nightfallen rewards:


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