In our shop you can buy Antorus Raid boost services in World of Warcraft (WoW) for Mythic / Heroic / Normal Full Gear, Mythic / Heroic / Normal Loot Run or you can even become part of the raid and participate in killing the bosses from the first week

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What can be boosted in Antorus raid?

  Antorus, the Burning Throne - the heart of Argus, the last raid dungeon of Legion. Inside it, you will battle with the eleven strongest Legion army bosses led by Argus the Unmaker. The end of the war with the Legion is coming, soon the hordes of demons will forever leave the world of Azeroth, and its lands will be cleansed of filth! Join the Horde and the Alliance in the final battle with the Legion! But this is all words, what is really waiting for us? New raid dungeon Antorus with four levels of difficulty: Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic and Mythic. The players expect the grueling hours of farming Heroic to prepare their characters for the world race for the top of Antorus progression. And after a long week of farming, the strongest bosses of the Legion in Mythic mode will be up for grabs!

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